HiPEAC Info magazine
The HiPEAC Info magazine is a quarterly publication providing the latest news on the activities within the European HiPEAC network, as well as activities on high-performance embedded architectures and compilers at large. ASSIST-IoT project is also highlighted in this issue.
The theme of this magazine is mobility – a topic which, in 2023, evokes mixed feelings. On the one hand, mobility creates opportunities: it allows people to work, to study, to travel, and to ship products to customers worldwide. Safe and affordable mobility is one of the cornerstones of modern society.
Historically, the mobility revolution started at the beginning of the 19th century with the invention of the steam locomotive, which made it safe and convenient to travel outside the region where one was living. Before the 19th century, long-distance travel was complex and dangerous, and it is no coincidence that the word
travel derives from the French ‘travail’, meaning hard labour.
Today, we no longer associate travel with hard labour, but with holidays, tourism and fun. Smartphones allow us to stay connected with home while travelling, and card payments allow us to travel cash-free. The falling cost of transportation per kilometre and increased convenience has democratized travel, as well as facilitating international
trade. Economically, the mobility industry (including transportation, tourism, and construction of infrastructure) adds considerably to countries’ gross domestic product (GDP).
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