ASSIST-IoT newsletter #11

The latest ASSIST-IoT newsletter is now available! In this issue you may find all about project related activities for May-July 2023 period. This issue focuses
on, the communication and the dissemination activities of the period, the TOC Conference, the EuCNC 2023, and the trials and testing activities in Poland.
The 11th issue of ASSIST-IoT newsletter presents the project
activities throughout May – July 2023 period. This issue focuses
on, the communication and the dissemination activities of the
period, the TOC Conference, the EuCNC 2023, and the trials and
testing activities in Poland.
ASSIST-IoT trimester activities:
➢ 3 Publications
➢ 1 Presentation
➢ TOC 2023 Conference
➢ EuCNC & 6G Summit 2023
➢ 3 Upcoming Deliverables
➢ Trials and Testing Activities
Find it online here
Do not forget to distribute it at your networks!