Category: NGIoT



This video serves the purpose of explaining the GWEN Board developed by Neways Technologies as part of the ASSIST-IoT project. The main idea was to create a versatile gateway capable of doing powerful calculations (at the edge) while also performing as a high-speed connection between the edge and the cloud The Gateway must support AI, and adopt 5G while being able to use 4G/Wi-Fi on a secure platform.


D6.8 Final Integration and Support Report

This deliverable corresponds to the final actions of WP6 as the project reaches its final stage. The fact that all
the three deliverable series that ended on M30 could not be postponed until M36 signaled the conceptualisation
of this deliverable, thus enabling to finalise all the procedures in the context of this work package, without a
large timespan since the last report. 

Read more “D6.8 Final Integration and Support Report”


ASSIST-IoT Mixed Reality (MR) enabler video

This video serves as an introduction to the Mixed Reality (MR) component within the ASSIST-IoT ecosystem. In this ecosystem, all the constituent elements are referred to as “enablers” and hence, this particular component is known as the “MR enabler”. Its primary function is to present information to the user by visualizing data obtained from other enablers. The data it presents can be either static information stored within other enablers or dynamically generated data from another enabler.

Read more “ASSIST-IoT Mixed Reality (MR) enabler video”

ASSIST-IoT Cybersecurity Monitoring Enabler: Cybersecurity Incident Response Tool

This video introduces the Incident response, the second phase of Cybersecurity Monitoring Enabler from ASSIST-IoT project. The Incident response get all the alerts from the Incident detection and creates a security case to perform a treatment and mitigation process. Information received can be enriched from other sources related to the original alert.

Read more “ASSIST-IoT Cybersecurity Monitoring Enabler: Cybersecurity Incident Response Tool”


ASSIST-IoT Edge Data Broker Enabler

This video serves as an introduction to the Edge Data Broker Enabler. The Edge Data Broker enables the efficient management of data demand and data supply among edge nodes based on a publish/subscribe schema, taking account load balancing criteria. This enabler distributes data where it is needed for application, services and further analysis while considered essential only in those deployments that involve IoT architectures. A group of innovative features are provided by the Edge Data Broker, which facilitates creation of pipelines, in which data flow can be controlled. This video offers a brief overview of the installation process and usage examples of EDBE.

Read more “ASSIST-IoT Edge Data Broker Enabler”

HiPEAC Info magazine

The HiPEAC Info magazine is a quarterly publication providing the latest news on the activities within the European HiPEAC network, as well as activities on high-performance embedded architectures and compilers at large. ASSIST-IoT project is also highlighted in this issue.

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