EuCloudEdgeIoT Research Community Booklet


EuCloudEdgeIoT Research Community Booklet

The European Cloud, Edge & IoT Continuum ( aims to realise a pathway for the understanding and development of the CEI Con-tinuum by promoting cooperation between a wide range of research pro-jects, developers and suppliers, business users and potential adopters of this new technological paradigm.


Τhe European Cloud, Edge and IoT ContinuumThe European Cloud, Edge & IoT Continuum ( aims to realise a pathway for the understanding and development of the CEI Con-tinuum by promoting cooperation between a wide range of research pro-jects, developers and suppliers, business users and potential adopters of this new technological paradigm. The Research and Innovation ActionsThe contributes to the coordination of a portfolio of research projects in the CEI Computing Continuum funded under: • Cloud Computing: towards a smart cloud computing continuum (ICT-40-2020)• Software Technologies (ICT-50-2020)• Next Generation Internet of Things (ICT-56-2020)The European Cloud, Edge & IoT Continuum acts as an enabling force, to reach key outcomes:• Support the definition of the large-scale pilots envisaged by the European Commission in line with the EU Data Strategy• Baseline common open architecture for computing continuum research projects• Reinforce the collaboration between European public and private initiatives from cloud to edge to IoT• Increase the awareness of the importance of Open Source and standards for EU digital | 3INTRODUCTION
• Future European platforms for the Edge: Meta Operating Systems (HORI-ZON-CL4-2021-DATA-01-05)• Cognitive Cloud: AI-enabled computing continuum from Cloud to Edge (HORIZON-CL4-2022-DATA-01-02)• Programming tools for decentralised intelligence and swarms (HORI-ZON-CL4-2022- DATA-01-03) • Open source for cloud-based services (HORIZON-CL4-2022-DIGI-TAL-EMERGING-01-26)These will also benefit from the synergies and legacy of other existing EU projects in the domains of Cloud, Edge, IoT, AI, and connectivity, including, among others, NGIoT, SW Forum and H-Cloud, as well as companies and startups such as Axelera AI.


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