The IoT Open Source Ecosystem
Are you interested in the Open Source Ecosystem? The Next Generation Internet of Things – NGIoT “The Internet-of-Things Open Source Ecosystem in 2021” white paper is here! You may also find information about ASSIST-IoT project in page 19.
For over a decade the Open Source Software (OSS) community has played a significant role in the development, deployment, and standardisation of the Internet of Things (IoT).
This is
evidenced by the increasing number of OSS projects that are developing essential components
for the majority of IoT deployments worldwide, as well as by the number of innovative IoT projects
that over the years have been developed and released as open source. Recently, the European
Commission (EC) has released a policy brief on Open Source Software, which outlines and
acknowledges the importance of OSS for ensuring more rapid innovation in several domains,
including the IoT and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
The white paper is available online here: https://www.ngiot.eu/download/the-internet-of-things-open-source-ecosystem-in-2021