D6.8 Final Integration and Support Report

This deliverable corresponds to the final actions of WP6 as the project reaches its final stage. The fact that all
the three deliverable series that ended on M30 could not be postponed until M36 signaled the conceptualisation
of this deliverable, thus enabling to finalise all the procedures in the context of this work package, without a
large timespan since the last report.
The scope of this deliverable is to document the concluding actions for
testing, outline the final structure of the public repositories and define the licensing schemes. Additionally, it is
utilised to host all the information summarising the software documentation of the project, alongside the second
round of the Open Callers questionnaire and feedback.
Because of the extension of the project, this final deliverable concludes three deliverable series that covered all
the aspects of testing & integration, packaging & releasing and technical support & documentation.
Find it online here