ASSIST-IoT Open Call #2: The winners!

Open Call winners ASSIST-IoT

ASSIST-IoT Open Call #2: The winners!

ΑSSIST-IoT proudly announces the ASSIST-IoT OC2 winners! Many thanks to all participants for submitting their proposals! In total 34 Open Call proposals were received from 10 countries, out of which, after a detailed evaluation period, 8 Open Call projects have been selected as the winning ones.

Congratulations to the 8 winners!

These are the 8 winning proposals per Pilot:

PILOT 1 Winners

IOT LORAMESH: IoT LoRa mesh network for far edge device integration

  • Organisation: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (
  • Type: University – Country: Spain
  • Duration: 9 months

PROUD5G: Delivery of oPen-RAN based virtual 5G disaggregated mObile network to the port remote crane Use-caseDestination.

POSEIDON: POSitioning Enhancement Intelligence for Devices using On edge Neural networks

CHEaaS: Container Handling Equipment as a Service

PILOT 2 Winners

MANTRA: sMart App to preveNT woRkers hArm

HazardMiner: Identification of Hazardous Events of Construction Workers by a Machine Lerning-based Process Miner

PILOT 3A Winners

HOOPS: Orchestrated cellular data offloading in smart vehicular scenarios

PILOT 3B Winners

MOTION: iMage and lidar fusiOn for vehicle exTerior InspectiON

  • Organisation: University of West Attica (
  • Type: University – Country: Greece
  • Duration: 9 months