ASSIST-IoT project is now member of ALICE ETP alliance!


ASSIST-IoT project is now member of ALICE ETP alliance!

The European Technology Platform ALICE is set-up to develop a comprehensive strategy for research, innovation and market deployment of logistics and supply chain management innovation in Europe. The platform will support and assist and advise the European Commission into the implementation of the EU Program for research: Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe in the area of Logistics.

ALICE was created in the frame of WINN project having the European Green Cars Initiative (logistics section) and EIRAC, European Intermodal Research Advisory Council, as background and supporting initiatives. ALICE was officially recognized as an European Technology Platform by the European Commission in July 2013.

ALICE is based on the recognition of the need for an overarching view on logistics and supply chain planning and control, in which shippers and logistics service providers closely collaborate to reach efficient logistics and supply chain operations. ALICE engages with all different kind of stakeholders operating in the Logistics sector.

ASSIST-IoT is proud of being part of ALICE alliance! You may learn more about the alliance all involved projects here: