ASSIST-IoT online Workshop-Webinar
ASSIST-IoT project and its partners invite you to the online Webinar-Workshop “Towards Market Review” on Monday 18 January 2021 at 10:00-11:00 CET. This online workshop is organized within the framework of ASSIST-IoT WP3 “Requirements, Specifications and Architecture”.
In specific, T3.1 “State of the Art and Market Analysis”, towards the preperation of D3.1 “State-of-the-Art and Market Analysis Report”, is organizing this online workshop in order to present a brief overview of ASSSIT-IoT project and also to introduce its audience to the current market report-strategy while presenting the results of a market survey questionnaire that run online over the last weeks.
Workshop Agenda (Monday 18 January 2021)
10:00-10:30 CET: Introduction of ASSIST-IoT by the Project Coordinator
10:30-11:00 CET: Market analysis strategy and responses to the questionnaire surveyed by the Innovation Manager of the project
Join us online on Monday 18 January 2021 at 10:00-11:00 CET.
Registration is open and free! Reserve your seat! Please register here